
Welcome to the website of East Ayrshire Family History Society

Scottish Charity Number SC029609

Feel free to browse through the Public sections which will describe the work of the Society.
Members’ pages are available to Society Members after logging in.

Membership application and renewal processes have been revised.   Check under Membership and please read the instructions carefully.   The facility to use PayPal as a guest is available by scrolling down the PayPal sign-in page.

Membership Subscriptions for postal members are changed for 2024 / 25

Note to members To access the Members’ Pages please scroll up to the top Sidebar menu at the right of the page and click on the Log in link. You may be asked to confirm a security question. This will take you to a WordPress page where you should enter your Username and Password and then click on the Log In button. After logging in, to get to your Profile page click on your name, now adjacent to the log in / out link, if you wish to enter or amend your personal details or preferences. Click on East Ayrshire Family History Society link at the top left of the page to take you back to the Home page.

If you do not know your username & password Please email your membership details to enquiries@eastayrshirefhs.co.uk 

Where we are –

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List of Parishes in East Ayrshire

Auchinleck Kilmarnock Ochiltree
Dalmellington Kilmaurs Old Cumnock
Dalrymple Loudoun Riccarton
Dunlop Mauchline Sorn
Fenwick Muirkirk Stair
Galston New Cumnock Stewarton

Upcoming Events Please click event for further info.